Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Wow totally forgot to post here

Clan Rush blog is officially shutting down!
Thanks for the good times guys :D

Me and kery have some end of SMT screenshots that we've posted to other blogs but I'll get those up once my internet is done being the absolute worst internetz ever.

Saturday, 21 May 2016

No Maint this Monday...

CUS YOU KNOW WHAT IT'S SHUTTING DOWN QQ Normal maintenance time.

11am JST
7pm PST
4pm kery time?

Friday, 20 May 2016

World Bonus [Updated 5/13/16!!]

List of Updates as the end of SMT draws near...

Daily Mission 
Daily Mission limit upped from 2 to 10 extra per day (4/19 update)
Extra 1-5
Level 1: Hack Chip 666 x1
Level 2: Hack Chip 666 x2
Level 3: Hack Chip 666 x3
Level 4: Hack Chip 666 x5
Level 5: Hack Chip 666 x10
Level 6: Hack Chip 666 x20

Extra 5-10
Level 1: Hack Chip 666 x2
Level 2: Hack Chip 666 x4
Level 3: Hack Chip 666 x6
Level 4: Hack Chip 666 x10
Level 5: Hack Chip 666 x20
Level 6: Hack Chip 666 x40

[5/17 Maint Update]
XP +600%
Demon XP +600%
EXP +600%
SP +600%
Bethel +1000%
Digitalize +60
Satan Counter +1000%
Death Penalty 0

DB Anne (? Exchange)
-essence of yetzirah
-DTs from 2017-2014
-SR Program (4/12 update)
-Abyss Key trade item (4/12 update)
-Other Items 1 (weapons) (4/12 update)
-Other Items 2 (accessories/extras) (4/12 update)
-CP Sacrifice Orbs (4/12 update) 
-EX Ticket (4/19 update)
-some 2015 DT (4/26 update)
-cameos (4/26 update)
-epitaph parts (4/26 update)

DB Anne's Slime (4/26 update)
Exchange ? to increase the expertise cap.

Secret Room (4/26 update)
When clearing SR, you get digitalize points 

DB Harumi (Virtual Beach)
-night and evening maps added (4/26 update)
-admission cost lowered to 1000 macca (4/26 update)

Log In Bonus
Log in everyday to receive 
Mysterious Something (AKA "?s")
Random Box (Training)
Random Box (Custom)

Apple Campaign
All apples for player/demon exp at NPC Vivian are 50% off.

Other (4/26 update)
-rice cake may drop from all enemies
-Aitaimu System time limit dropped to 30 min
-no limit to Arcadia and Souhonzan LNC Quests, enemy mobs will spawn every day of the week 
-increased digitalize points from BEARCAT

Friday, 8 April 2016

Monday, 14 March 2016

JP server closing

T_T why is this happening I have so much left to do :v

The server will officially close on May 24 2016 11:00am. (May 23 2016 7:00pm PST)

Goodbye guys ;A;

will they have a 9th anniversay event tho- //shot