Pics coming soon. D: sorry too lazy to do them now
Being a melee means that your the front line. It is your job to die for the gunners *cough* I mean tank for the gunners by out putting mid-high constant damage on bosses and everything around you. For the sake of not ruining your first melee build lets stick to the basic build.
First off before ANYTHING stay bellow level 30. Yep stay level 29 or under. Got it? Alright good go die all you want now. The reason for is it to 'round off' your expertise.
What are Expertise?
Expertise are pretty much skills. Unlike every mmo under the sun we dont have skill trees. Theoretically we can do what we please. Logically we cant. We are limited to a total of 26,000 expertise points or 26k pts.(youll never get more cuz youre poor). Having them scattered all over the place will do you more harm and no harm to demons. This is because you n00bed out and decided to be a melee mage gunner and output no damage and are a total fail. :D We still love you tho.
To access the expertise menu press H (look at the link bellow for a picture and translations)
Credit to Kery *cough* NORI
Noris translation of the expertise menu
To turn on the expertise to allow for grinding click the grey bar so that it turns red as such
To grind use the skill over and over and over until your brains and fingers fall out in the virtual battle room as such
Make sure you DONT learn the new skills because you will do more damage then what youre looking to do for grinding purposes.
PRO TIP Classes are composed of 10 Ranks. You need to go through 10 ranks of nonsense to get Class 1. Grind one more rank on top of that new class you acchieved.
What Expertise should I get?
As a basic melee god of all damage what you need to do is focus on a chain expertise called Retaliation (more on this later). To obtain this chain you need to be a boss and grind
Attack to Class 2

Weapon Knowledge to Class 1
(no image) Survival Technique to Class 1.
Focus on this first dont do acts dont level obtain the retaliation the rest is cake...with arsenic frosting. Once you reach those classes grind one more rank and stop turn off the expertise bar!
(no image) Survival Technique to Class 1.
Focus on this first dont do acts dont level obtain the retaliation the rest is cake...with arsenic frosting. Once you reach those classes grind one more rank and stop turn off the expertise bar!
How do I grind Attack?
to restore HP and and and and a healing demon to heal your dying behind.
How do I grind Survival Technique?
Defy logic dont die. lol jk....The safest way to do so is using guard on the Gaki in the second room of the Virtual Battle.
Be sure to bring gum
to restore MP and have a healing demon with you

to restore MP and have a healing demon with you
I finished grinding but I have Class 2.02 pt Attack (or whatever) what do I do?
Im surprised you survived. Easy keep grinding to the next rank. So you will have Class 2 Rank 1 1.02 pts.
Go to the magic shop
<-map picture coming soon->
Buy a newbie Lethe water ( it only works if you are level 29 and under thats why we dont level up early got it?)
It will eliminate one rank of attack making a perfectly make sure u eliminate the rank you want not some other expertise :/ SO itll make Class 2 Rank 1.02pt go to Class 2.0pts. PERFECT (dont do this if your planning to get Class 8 or Class 9 attack)
PRO TIP ask Kery for exact expertise points on harder builds this is the stepping stone a proper build looks more like Class 8 Attack Class 6 Weapon Knowledge Class 4 Survival Technique.
Im a Retaliation melee now what?
JUST KEEP GRINDING JUST KEEP GRINDING. Ask any of us for the next phase. Most likely you can venture out on the world with these three expertise and be pretty safe. Hell you can even leave them on and enjoy the game without much repercussion. But youre not that kinda person. I know your smart because I swear a lot and your fine with that so I know youre gonna keep grinding attack to kill HUGE DEMONS. Right? :D RIGHT?! D:<
Where do I assign my Stat points into?
First do Strength completely fill that. Then do vitality, luck, or intelligence( dont do this one unless you want to learn enhance another chain ask kery for more details.)
How do I hybrid properly?
Read kerys guide on Hybrid Enhancer(coming soon). This produces a "Rambo Melee" immune to knock back
End Builds
These are all generic builds that work
Pure Melees
Attack melee (DPS Boss Killer)
Class 8 Attack (can range to Class 9)
Class 6 Weapon Knowledge (can range to Class 8)
Class 4 Survival Technique (can range to Class 9)
Class 6 Retaliation
Max Retaliation Build (DPS Boss Killer Lvl 2)
Class 9 Attack
Class 9 Weapon Knowledge
Class 7 Survival Tech
Class 8 Retaliation
Rush Melee (Mid Range, Low DPS, Raising Attack recommend)
Class 2 Attack (can range up to Class 5)
Class 7 Rush
Class 6 Weapon Knowledge
Class 1 Survival Tech (can vary)
Spin Melee (Area of Effect, Crowd Control, Tank, Low damage Low DPS)
Class 2 Attack
Class 7 Spin
Class 6 Weapon Knowledge
Counter Melee (Theoretical build)
Class 5 Attack
Class 7 Counter
Class 1 Spin
Class 1 Rush
Class 9 Pursuit
Rampage Melee <- Chain expertise
Rampage melee builds vary depending on play style you'll have to figure this one out for yourself
Base skills:
Class 2 Attack -20%
Class 1 Spin -20%
Class 1 Rush -20%
Class 3 Pursuit -40%
Clannie Spin Builds
Dia's Old Spin Build
Class 2 Attack
Class 7 Spin (3 Step Crescent Moon)
Class 6 Weapon Knowledge
Class 2 Guard
Class 1 Dodge (Stun Dodge)
Class 2 Rush
Class 5 Attack
Class 7 Spin (Dragon Sweep)
Class 6 Weapon Knowledge
Class 2.5 Counter
Class 1 Dodge (Stun Dodge)
Rambo Melee (Soloer build, Most common Melee build, AKA Enhancer Melee)
Class 8 Attack
Class 6 Weapon Knowledge
Class 4 Survival Tech
Class 2.5 Enhance
Class 4 Support
Class 2 Curative
Class 1 Bless
*see kerys guide for further information
Hex Melee (Minor Support, Rarely seen)
Class 8 Attack
Class 6 Weapon Knowledge
Class 4 Survival Tech
Class 1 Curse of the Wretched
Class 1 Destructive Magic
Class 2 Curse Magic
Class 1Magic Control
Class 1 Bless
*see Kery's guide for further information
1st. Grind to Class 2 Attack Class 1 Survival Tech Class 1 Weapon Knowledge stay under level 30 for this only
3rd. Raise all expertise while playing (GRIND OCCASIONALLY BUT TURN OFF CLASS 6 RANK 9 SURVIVAL TECH)
5th. Turn on Survival Tech and level ONE time
6th. Grind one rank of survival tech build should be done at this point.
7th. Buy me shiny new things cuz I made this guide for you
8th. Quit Game.
9th. Play Game randomly
10th. Hate game and come back for a month.
11th. Finish Game.
Just remember your a melee your always free to use rush counter guard spin ect. Raising those doesnt do much for attack builds. Raising rush will only make it hit harder ect ect ect. Retal also lowers cooldown on certain skills while using certain weapons so yeah...
What next?
Okay so you've become da greatest master of pokemon, now what? Congratulations heres a certificate you can print on your gameboy printer.
As for melee the next step is acquiring weapons. Make sure to obtain 1 weapon of each type preferably all blunt if your an attacker, if your a spinner make sure to buy spears. Morning stars work well with flamies crystals and such. Okay you probably quit playing by now so why am I writing this? Who cares :D. Here we go Fire, Ice, Force, Electric, and Death are the main ones to go for Expel is not used unless you run Assassin runs. Just ask us in game for tips
"Omg Dia did you just do like 4 spins in a row what was that that was so awesome *-* CAN YOU SHOW ME HOW?"
No I am a Spin Melee. A spin melee is the main tank of the party. I do little to no damage but I do damage to everything around me. I will die for Kery Nori and Shizu without a second thought because I am the slave at the front. You arent you are a retal melee meaning that you damage while I draw aggro. I might look shiny but Im not the hero. You are. GOT THAT? I DO NO DAMAGE
"Can I use my expertise points to learn heals to keep myself alive?"
This is a big rookie mistake we see a lot. Dont do it we have demons that we can teach powerful heals too. If your a melee you wont have the 'Intelligence' (stat) Needed to heal yourself properly.
"Can I use a gun?"
*slaps you and walks away*
"Can I use magic?
*throws you in a ditch*
"Why are my weapons being nulled?"
Well demons are weak to different things. You need to find the affinity that demon is weak too. Fire kills trolls. You need a fire sword. Dont noob out I will post a weapon guide for you and hell maybe Ill even help you make a few weapons to keep those baddies away. :D
"Well you babbled your face off but whats retaliation even do?"
SHUT UP D:< i mean be quiet. It stacks damage on to weapons. Hence blunt fire weapon does triple damage or some crap idk dont look at me im not writing this guide.
Awesome guide......I was gunna do something like this for the classes but melee is like my #1 weakness so thanks for taking care of it :D.
ReplyDeleteNot criticizing you at all XD here are just some thoughts I had while reading:
Expertise is capped at 26k at level 90. Total exp cap currently is 42k exp if you do all the diasporas, quests, casino, and all that other highbie junk.
It is possible (especially with 42k exp) to be a melee/enhancer hybrid. The self SA really helps enhs like me out (especially because I'm broke as hell XD no cd/mp regen gear) when people self SA themselves. You would defiantly be doing less damage by far compared to a full damage melee/designated enh combo, but you will be a better soloer in theory.
Another alternative for Survival Tech is to dodge Kissy Pixies in sugi, this is recommended more if you have exp gear (Scattering Pollen etc) because gakis will slowly break it.
Also for Weapon Knowledge you can also use the Threaten Skill on a Lost Hua Po (also in sugi) and then spam rush on it. This causes no knock back to the hua po resulting in less chasing her down :3.
Note for these though, because they are out in the open field you are more prone to others coming and killing your things. Especially with their being only 3 kissy pixies trolls like to come and kill them on occasion so keep that in mind :D
One last tip: you may level up during your grinding but its highly recommended to not put points into anything till you are done.
Awesomesaucy guide ^_^ thanks for posting
Im too lazy lololol also should put up how to dodge pixies for survival tech but too dangerous. Oh btw does anyone know how to get into the vb again??
DeleteDid you not read my beginner guide T_T
Delete^ dying too funny /pats kery
DeleteTiny little hindsight edit :
ReplyDeleteThe enhancer part of the melee/enhancer hybrid is for self buffs not for the heals so your point on getting unnecessary curative is very much so valid :3
I like candy 8D